Stay in Touch

Stay in Touch

Put on Your Faith Eyes!







Going into a new environment or situation can be stressful for a child.  Sharing how Caleb and Joshua chose to view the new land God was showing them with “eyes of faith and trust” instead of fear and intimidation can help your child know that God is with them and blesses us when we choose faith over fear.

Trigger Warning
Trigger Warning: During this activity, children are asked to close their eyes. This may be potentially upsetting for some children. Please adapt as necessary to best meet the needs of your child. For example, instead of closing his or her eyes, your child could focus on a favorite stuffed animal or blanket nearby.


In the book of Exodus we hear how God rescued His people, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt and guided them to the beautiful land He had promised to give them.  It was a land full of good things to eat and lots of green grass for their animals to eat.  It had plenty of room for them to build houses and cities to live securely and in peace.  But, we find out in the book of Numbers, chapter 13, that when the Israelites got to the wonderful land God had promised to give them, they looked at it…

(shade eyes and peer into the distance)

..and saw people already living there that seemed bigger and stronger than they were!

(Make a scared face.  Put your hands on your cheeks in dismay. “Oh no!”)

The Israelites all cried to God, “We can’t go into the land you promised us!  We look like grasshoppers compared to the people who live there!”

(Squat down and hop like a grasshopper)

But Caleb and Joshua looked at the land God had promised them with eyes of faith…

(Hold your hands up to your eyes like binoculars)

…and said “This is a good land God has promised to give us!”

(Thumbs up)

“He will surely go ahead of us and drive out those people so that we can live there in peace and safety just like He promised!”

(Put your arms over your head to form a roof)

God was not happy with the Israelites for not trusting Him and refusing to go into the land He promised them.

(Slump shoulders, shake head, sad face)

But God was very pleased with Caleb and Joshua for having eyes of faith to trust Him to keep His promise!

(Two thumbs up!)

After completing this activity, read through the following verse and prayer with your child.


“…I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go….” Genesis 28:15


“Lord, when we are about to go somewhere or do something new or intimidating and we feel a little scared and don’t want to go, help us remember that You are with us wherever we go and bless us when we look at that new place or situation with eyes of faith and trust in You! Amen.”